Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hello Friends!

Hello My Friends! It's been over three weeks since I posted anything. I've really missed interacting with you all. We have been super busy here, though. Our ten year old grandson, Gil, has been visiting us. He has been a real joy (and a little extra work ;-). He's also been a big,big help to Grandma and Grandpa working in our garden.

The garden has and will continue to be a lot of work for all of us, but I do love it so!

I had a great, inspiring, learning time at the Beth Moore conference.

I had a wonderful, wonderful Mother's Day!

Besides all that, Steven and I have been getting even more involved in church activities. Our church is starting up a Marriage and Family Instruction/Counseling Team which Steven and I have committed to getting involved with this summer. We have been doing some informal marriage counseling with a few people that we know and definitely feel that this is God's leading for us now. It's very gratifying to "comfort with the comfort with which we have been comforted"!

Hopefully, I will be able to update my blog on a semi-regular basis. But we shall see.

I have put together a slide-show to show you some of my loves right now. Enjoy!

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1 comment:

  1. Your garden is absolutely gorgeous! Gil is growing so. He looks like he has grown a couple of inches since last fall. Sounds like things are going great at church. You are in our prayers.
