Friday, February 13, 2009

Beautiful Hearts

Well, I thought I would like to join in "Kelli's Show and Tell Friday, so here goes!

Years ago I collected everything heart-shaped. As some of you collectors out there know, sometimes collections can become overwhelming--especially if you move a lot, like I did as a military wife. So eventually I stopped collecting and started weeding out some of the ones for which I didn't have a deep attachment. I ended up with a more manageable, but much-loved collection. I thought I would show you some of the heart boxes that I kept. These three are crystal. I love the way they reflect the light and they feel so nice to hold--very heavy and smooth. And I do use them to hold nuts, candy, dried flowers, or cosmetic items. I think it's wonderful when something useful can also be beautiful!

Show and Tell


  1. Welcome to Show and Tell! I'm so glad you joined in. Your collection is very beautiful and bring back memories:)

  2. These hearts are just lovely. I can see why you kept them:)

    Happy Valentines Day!

    Linda C

  3. Those are such beautiful hearts! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Denise!! I didn't do show and tell today, but usually do. I am very partial to hearts, too...mainly because my Mom was. They always make me think of her! Your collection is lovely!
    My fave is the upper right one. I go for the more unusual stuff as a rule.

    Have a Happy Valentine's day and a glorious weekend!!!

  5. Your collection of hearts is beautiful. I love the middle one, love the flowers on the top. Great post, thanks!

  6. Very sweet and pretty...

    Happy Valentine's Day,

  7. Welcome to show and tell! Such a pretty collection of hearts!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I ready your Jan. 18th post about your adoption--what an amazing story! Praise God that his mom didn't take the abortion money, and that he was placed in your family!
    Hope you are having a great day~

